Automatically create events

From Google Form & Google Sheets


Google Form

Submit Google Form to create an event automatically

form to calendar - automatic creating event from form submission

Google Calendar

Booked events are shown in Google Calendar

Google Form to Google Sheet to Google Calendar


The booking(s) from Google Form will automatically show in Google Calendar when the form was submitted.


In just a few clicks, you can create multiple events from your spreadsheet.


Creates Google Calendar events from your spreadsheet or Google Form

Other Features

calendar events creator features

Automatic event(s) update

Any changes on the spreadsheet will automatically reflect in the Google Calendar.

Customize your event(s)

The title and description of events can be customized programmatically. E.g: the title can contain start date field, location field, etc..

Awesome Support

You can actively send an email to the support team regarding any issues.

Some Screenshots

Pricing (20% OFF)

  • Pro
  • ✔ 10,000 events/day
  • ✔ Auto create event from form submission
  • ✔ Auto update to calendar
  •  ✘
  • ✔ 11 colors for event
  • ✔ Recurring Events
  • ✔ Customize event fields
  • ✔ Create 5 events per time (?)
  • ✔ 1 Google account
  • ✔ Technical support
  • Premium
  • ✔ 10,000 events/day
  • ✔ Auto create event from form submission
  • ✔ Auto update to calendar
  •  ✘
  • ✔ 11 colors for event
  • ✔ Recurring Events
  • ✔ Customize event fields
  • ✔ Create 15 events per time (?)
  • ✔ Up to 5 users by domain
  • ✔ Full support
  • Premium+
  • ✔ 10,000 events/day
  • ✔ Auto create event from form submission
  • ✔ Auto update to calendar
  • ✔ Format event description
  • ✔ 11 colors for event
  • ✔ Recurring Events
  • ✔ Customize event fields
  • ✔ Create 25 events per time (?)
  • ✔ Up to 20 users by domain
  • ✔ Full support + Support via TeamViewer/Skype (?)

(*) billed annually

Debit or credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express,...) are accepted. Paypal account is accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get Started

  1. For the first use, please read the basic setting.

    The basic setting (Start)

    1. Open your Google Sheets and choose Add-ons menu → Calendar Events Creator → Start
    2. Select your calendar (for a shared calendar, you need writing permission from the owner).
    3. Select the column contains valid dates (a valid date will be right-aligned of a cell)
    4. Click Event Start Date on the right sidebar to set the date of the selected column to be the start date of the event.
    5. Choose a column that you want to view the result in and click the Status column button.
    6. Finally, choose a row and click the Create event(s) button to create an event for the row (details of the event will come from the selected row's data).
    Set up Calendar Events Creator add-on, start

    The advanced setting

    1. First, open your Google Sheets and open the add-on setting by choosing Add-ons menu → Calendar Events Creator → Set up
    2. Second, set up the add-on:
         • Set the event title
    Set event title         event creator: select a column to be event title
         • Set the event time
    event creator: set up event start/end time
              - uncheck All day if you need to add event start time and event end time
              - if you don't have end date/time, select event end date/time as same as event start date/time
         • Select calendar
    3. Third, click Apply Setting to save the setting.

    Set up Calendar Events Creator add-on, setting: Google Sheets to Google Calendar, Form to Calendar

  2. Open your Google Sheets spreadsheet.

    Select the entire row or any cell in a row, then choose Add-ons menu → Calendar Events Creator → Create Event(s).

  3. Open Google Sheets

    Select a range of rows you want to create events and choose Add-ons menu → Calendar Events Creator → Create Event(s)

    Note: Due to limitations for Google Services, create less than 25 events at the same time for best results.
  4. Choose Add-ons menu → Calendar Events Creator → Start → Check ✅Update event automatically

    When changing a spreadsheet row data or adding a new row of data, the created event will be updated or created automatically.

  5. Step 1. Create a Google Form.

    Step 2. Create a spreadsheet for responses in Google Sheets.

    Step 3. Set up the add-on. (As shown on question number 1. )

    Step 4. Check ✅Create events by submitting form . Then click Apply Setting.

    form to Calendar
  6. Step 1: Open the setting by choosing Add-ons menu → Calendar Events Creator → Set up

    Step 2: Check ✅Enable status view

    Step 3: Select a column to view created events' hyperlink.

    Step 4: Click Apply Setting.

    show created events

Data Security & Policy

  1. sheet to calendar permissions
  2. The CEC saves the add-on's setting under your email address so that it can remember your setting to create events exactly what you need.

    1. The email address that installed the add-on.
    2. Add-on's setting such as: selected calendar id, start date column, end date column, etc...
    3. Your current plan and quota. E.g: Free, 10

    We do not share, transfer or sell any of your information to other companies.

  3. This is how to delete the add-on's setting for a current sheet:Add-ons menu → Calendar Events Creator → Refresh.

    If you do not want us to store your data (the add-on forgets all your settings forever), you can send us your request.

Account & Payments

  1. The activation is done automatically and instantly right after you made a payment.

    Choose the Add-ons menu → Calendar Events Creator → Check remaining quota/plan to check your plan.

    If it doesn't work, please remove the add-on and install it again:

    1. Remove the add-on: from your Google Spreadsheet → Add-ons menu → Manage add-ons... → Calendar Events Creator → Manage → Remove
    2. Install add-on again: Add-ons menu → Get add-on → Search 'Calendar Events Creator’ → Click Free icon → Follow steps
  2. You can cancel your subscription anytime. Once the subscription is cancelled, you will not be charged next year. You will continue to use the add-on to create events until your current subscription expires.

    When you buy a license for Calendar Events Creator add-on, a recurring payment is automatically set on your customer profile through PayPal. This is how to cancel this auto-renew:

    1. Go to SettingsIcon Settings.
    2. Click Payments.
    3. Under "Preapproved payments", click Manage preapproved payments.
    4. Select New Addons and click Cancel.
    5. Click Cancel Profile to confirm your request.

    ! Important note: Uninstall/remove the add-on do not cancel the auto-renewal of your Calendar Events Creator subscription.


  1. Solution 1: Check if the event time is valid. If the event date/time is invalid, event will not be created on the calendar.

    A valid date is right-aligned and has a calendar picker. See below:: check valid date
    Note: Event start date/time should be sooner than the event end date/time.

    Solution 2: Select the correct column for the event time. select event time

    Solution 3: Set the date format. The add-on may not understand your event date format correctly. Set the spreadsheet locale to yours by going to File →Spreadsheet settings...

    change spreadsheet locale

  2. If you encounter this issue, you could try close all Chrome/Firefox/Safari windows, and only open one account at a time.

    Or try one of the following solutions:

    1. First Solution: re-install the add-on:
    - Remove the addon: from your Google Sheets spreadsheet → Add-ons menu → Manage add-ons... → Calendar Events Creator → Manage → Remove
    - Install addon again: Add-ons menu → Get add-on → Search 'Calendar Events Creator’ → Click Free icon → Follow steps

    2. Second Solution: Open your Google spreadsheet in Incognito mode(Ctrl+Shift+N) or a different browser.

    3. Third solution: Clear your browser's cache & cookies.
    If you're using Chrome follow these steps:
    - On your computer, open Chrome browser.
    - At the top right, click More.
    - Click More tools and then Clear browsing data.
    - At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time.
    - Check the boxes next to Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files.
    - Click Clear data.

  3. 1. First, open add-on setting by choosing Add-ons menu → Calendar Events Creator → Set up
    2. Second, check ✅ Add guests to select the column that contains the email addresses.
    event creator - form to calendar - send an email invite to multiple people
    ⇨Then, select the column that contains the email addresses to send an email invite to multiple people.
         • Email addresses: Use a Comma as a Separator.


         • If the email addresses are in more than one column, use the fomula to join:
    Use a comma as a seprator - join fomula
    3. Third, check ✅ send notifications.

    4. Finally, click Apply Setting.

  4. There are two solutions:
         1. Change your spreadsheet's timezone and Google Calendar's timezone to your current timezone.

         2. If the first solution doesn't work, try to change your spreadsheet's timezone and Google Calendar's timezone to Eastern Time.

    To change your spreadsheet's timezone, choose File ➡️ Spreadsheet Settings... Then, select (GMT -05:00) Eastern Time on Timezone field.

    Finally, create event again by submitting form or by selecting a row and choose Add-ons menu ➡️ Calendar Events Creator ➡️ Create event (s)

  5. To automatically add video call to the created events, create a Hangouts link in the event descriptions and invitations,
    1. On your computer, open Google Calendar.
    2. On the top right, click Settings menu icon ⚙ ➡️ Settings.
    3. Select Event settings on the left side bar.
    4. Check Automatically add video calls to events I create.

    create a Hangouts link in event descriptions and invitations

    If you do not want to add video call to events automatically, just uncheck Automatically add video calls to events I create.

  6. You can remove the add-on and then install it again to solve the problem.
    1. Remove the addon: from your Google Sheets spreadsheet → Add-ons menu → Manage add-ons... → Calendar Events Creator → Manage → Remove
    2. Install it again: Add-ons menu → Get add-on → Search 'Calendar Events Creator’ → Click Free icon → Follow steps

    1. Re-installing the add-on will reset some settings. It doesn't change your plan or your quota.
    2. If you get this notification: "ScriptError: Authorization is required to perform that action", sign out of the other Google account(s) that you might have been signed into and clear the data browsing. Then, log-in using the Google account you have installed the Calendar Events Creator add-on.

  7. Yes, the add-on can create an event automatically for new line added to your spreadsheet such as pasted data, form submission data.
    If it doesn't work, please try this solution:
    1. First, refresh the add-on for your spreadsheet by choosing the Add-ons menu > Calendar Events Creator > Refresh.
    2. Then, open the setting by choosing the Add-ons menu > Calendar Events Creator > Set up.
    3. Finally, enable/check Create events by submitting form and Update event automatically. If they are checked, uncheck and check it again to re-enable the automation.

    update an event automatically from spreadsheet
  8. Problem:When removing Calendar Events Creator add-on, the add-on comes back after reloading the spreadsheet
    Solve:This is how to remove the add-on from your Google Sheets completely:
    1. First, install the Calendar Events Creator Add-on from Gsuite marketplace (skip this step if installed)
    2. Then, click Manage Apps at the left-bottom of the Gsuite marketplace. After that, remove the Calendar Events Creator app.
    3. Finally, back to your Google Sheets and remove the add-on again:
      From your Google Spreadsheet → Add-ons menu → Manage add-ons... → Calendar Events Creator → Manage → Remove.

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